Canton Parks and Recreation in Massachusetts
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DARE to Lead

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DARE to Lead
 Updated health forms are required & due no later than May 27th

The summer DARE to Lead Program is an opportunity for students ages 12-14 to join the Canton Parks & Recreation summer community! This leadership program is meant to help guide individuals into the working world. Participants will get hands-on experience working with each camp offered through the recreation department. Leading as “CITs” these participants will be introduced to the ins and outs of being a staff member for the Recreation department.  

This camp will integrate the DARE curriculum, which focuses on making healthy decisions and communicating clearly and effectively. Mondays and Wednesdays will focus on developing and honing leadership skills to prepare to work on Tuesdays. Participants will also join our Edge Camp for a field trip once a week on Thursdays!

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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